opengl cube

From basic 2D shapes, 3D shapes are built. And whilst complex, there are some which are provided to us by GLUT, one of those being your standard cube, made up of 12 triangles and 8 vertices, why hand code it yourself?

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了解更多 »

  • How to Make a Cube in OpenGL. OpenGL is a powerful 3D programming tool used to draw comple...
    How to Make a Cube in OpenGL - wikiHow
  • Tutorial 4 : A Colored Cube Draw a cube Adding colors The Z-Buffer Exercises Welcome for t...
    Tutorial 4 : A Colored Cube -
  • From basic 2D shapes, 3D shapes are built. And whilst complex, there are some which are pr...
    6. OpenGL Cube (Version 2.0) – Swiftless Tutorials - OpenGL, ...
  • OpenGL coding: beginners Drawing a cube First time visitors, please read our FAQ and our F...
    Drawing a cube - OpenGL - The Industry Standard for High ...
  • Tutorial 5 : A Textured Cube About UV coordinates Loading .BMP images yourself Using the t...
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  • Opengl Basic cube drawing, but cube draws in single color 0 Cube drawing opengl, but a con...
    Drawing cube 3D using Opengl - Stack Overflow
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    3D Graphics with OpenGL by Examples - Nanyang Technological ...